1930-1948 — Mature period

…Second World War, he concentrated on experimenting with lines, shapes and colours and finished a number of important works. More and more his paintings reflected a dreamlike inner world. The…


Miserere       Presentation by Frédéric Cherchève (Grandson of Georges Rouault) A little over a century ago, Rouault began a series of engravings on copper plates which thirty years…


…sixties, Rouault enjoyed financial security and worldwide recognition. Reviews were abundant and unanimous. Although life for Rouault was more peaceful and stable, nevertheless he lived through another war and fought a bitter…

1902-1914 — Rebellion

1902-1914 |  Rebellion Deeply affected by his recent hardships, the death of Gustave Moreau and his solitude and sorrow, Rouault was “morally and physically exhausted”. Weak and exhausted, in 1902…

Solitary artist  |  1914-1930

…19th and early 20th century. He also had a passion for literature. Vollard was an art dealer, gallery owner, art publisher and writer. He was fascinated by Alfred Jarry’s Père Ubu and

Mature period  |  1930-1948

…were abundant and unanimous. His paintings and prints were gaining growing success. His art became calmer in these years of success and financial security. Although life for Rouault was more…

1914-1930 — Solitary artist

…a more static and more monumental element to the drawings. The black outlines and add texture and movement whilst remaining expressive and decorative. They suggest movement and depth. The dark…

Rebellion | 1902-1914

…worked in the studio of Desvallières on Rue La Rochefoucauld, opposite Renoir’s studio. Weak and exhausted, in 1902 he went to Evian for a period of convalescence. The peace and quiet and

Fondation Georges Rouault

and used a variety of techniques including engraving, lithography and etching. Closely related to his paintings, printmaking offered him a greater form of expression through tone and shading and allowed him…

Early years 1871-1902

…moral support and his world collapsed. He referred to this period himself as “the abyss”. In the years that followed, Rouault underwent a moral and artistic crisis. Deeply affected by