Graphic work

Illustrated books

Souvenir Intimes:

Texts by Georges Rouault
Original lithographs
Éditions Edmond Frapier, 1926

Paysages légendaires 1929 Le Beau Dimanche
Paysages légendaires: Le Beau dimanche, 1935, detail

Paysages légendaires

Poems by Georges Rouault, illustrated by the author with six original lithographs and  50 reproduced drawings.
Éditions Porteret, Paris, 1929

Réincarnations du Père Ubu

The work comprises 22 etchings and 104 woodcuts.
Publication of Réincarnations du Père Ubu by Éditions Ambroise Vollard in 1932.

Cirque de l’étoile filante

The work comprises 17 etchings in colour and 82 wood engravings.
Publication of Cirque de l’Étoile filante by Éditions Ambroise Vollard in 1936.

Acrobates en groupes se lient et se délient,
Ils composent un parterre choisi,
Rare et haut en couleur par ces temps gris,
Tons purs et délicats, quelquefois agressifs, rythme
Altier, sans que Jim, Arthur ou Bob l’aient tellement
Recherché, ils soignent avec amour leurs sorties,
Leurs entrées en attendant de mourir,
Sur la piste ou ailleurs, obscurs et bientôt

Les Fleurs du Mal

The work comprises 14 etchings, format 45 x 34 cm.
The text is written by Charles Baudelaire.
Publication of Fleurs du Mal by Éditions L’Étoile filante in 1936.

Respectful of the opinions of others, even if they are contrary to my own, I long hesitated to live in the atmosphere of ‘Les Fleurs du Mal’ and although I was taken – wrongly – for the last romantic, I believed I could perceive the author’s sensitivity. His talent emanates from a core that is more classical than it appears… Classical, for so many people, a vain word… Yet it is the ultimate and luminous horizon of the spirit that sets itself free of trends and accidental forms. A lofty soul is, in itself, the cause of the most concealed, hypocritical hatreds; by which some most respectable men, and sometimes the most ‘in vogue’,  do not even notice that they are possessed.

Georges Rouault


The work comprises 17 etchings in colour and 82 wood engravings.
The text is written by André Suarès.
Publication of Passion by Éditions Ambroise Vollard in 1939.