As an official charitable organisation, the Rouault Foundation is authorised to receive donations to support its projects. The current French tax rules allow you to benefit from tax relief on income tax (IR) or tax on real estate wealth (IFI).
Any donations entitle you to tax reductions:
- If you are taxable on income tax:
66% of your donation can be deducted from your income tax, up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income. The amount of the donation exceeding this limit can be carried forward to the following year, and if necessary, to subsequent years after that (up to a total of 5 years). - If you are taxable for ’Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière’:
75% of your donation can be deducted, up to a limit of 50,000 euros.
The foundation receives no regular subvention from the State and therefore seeks support from companies and individuals to continue its mission.